Why do the Warm-up? 

Just as you should warm up your muscles before a work out at the gym, you should begin your daily penis enlargement exercises by warming things up. Remember, there are two goals of these exercises: First is to enlarge the Corpora Cavernosa, the spongy tissue that fills with blood when you get an erection; and second, to stretch the ligaments inside the penis which attach to the pubic bone. 

What the hot compress does is draws blood into your penis, and makes the skin more elastic. This ensures a good grip for the exercises you'll be performing. Also, doing a warm-up such as this will help with penis growth and size over all because the cells, tissues, and blood spaces in the Corpora Cavernosa will be much more ready to grow and be stretched.

Done properly, jelqing the penis can cause some slight bruising or small blood spots to appear on the surface of your member. Obviously, you don't want to hurt yourself. Warming up before beginning can reduce these effects. Whichever techniques you choose to perform to warm up, always do it before and after your workout. This will ensure faster, better results with less chance of spots, bumps, and injury.

How to do Warm-up

1. Shake your penis out and be sure it's fairly limber. Slap it up against your leg a few times and get the blood flowing a bit. Stroke yourself to a partial erection.

2. Soak a washcloth in warm-to-hot water. Take the cloth and wrap it around the shaft of your penis. When you apply the warm washcloth to your penis and testicles, this may feel strange at first because this is a strange new sensation. Don't worry, you'll soon get used to this.

3. Keep your now warm washcloth wrapped around your penis and testicles for 2 to 2 ½ minutes.

4. Run the washcloth under the hot water again and again wrap your package and hold it there for 2 to 2 ½ minutes.

5. Repeat this process 3-5 times.


Another way to do the Warm-up

1. Fill the bath tub with hot water, just high enough to submerse yourself up to your waist. If you have a hot-tub, turn the temperature up to 104 degrees and submerse yourself the same way as the tub.

2. Stretch and message your penis, pulling it out and rotating it.

3. Do this for 10-15 minutes before getting out.

4. Do not stay in too long because the temperature should be a great deal higher than normal. Prolonged exposure to this kind of heat will cause heat exhaustion and dehydration.


Massage & Warm-down 

This is how you should end your workout, as applying heat and massage optimizes healing. Your testicles are always trying to maintain a 34 degree temperature to keep the cells alive. Heat restores 
any nerve and sensitivity problems you may have incurred during your enlargement program. 

After your workout, gently massage your penis for several minutes. If you prefer, you can do this with a herbal enlargement cream, which is available for both sexes. After massage, you can either apply 
another hot towel as you did at the beginning of your workout, or you can place your penis in a bowl of lukewarm water for a another few minutes. Either of these "heat applications" will keep the blood held within your penis and stimulate the damaged parts, restarting them to function better. Dry off well with a towel.